
Congratulations to Barbara Matusiak on her adoption of Rapunzel! Rapunzel will have two donkeys and two horses to keep her plenty of company! We are so excited that she has found a home where she will be well spoiled and loved! 

To learn more about her story, Click Here!


We are so completely happy that Bootsie found a home with Lacresha Jackson and family! Lacresha and their daughter have been wanting a kitten for so long…and they have finally found her! It was a complete surprise to their adorable 4 year old. Whats even more bittersweet is that sadly Lacresha just lost her mother and in sweet, sweet memory she is naming Bootsie after a great woman, her beloved best friend-her mom…Carol Ann. Although it’s hard to let rescues go, it’s such a sweet touching moment to know “Carol Ann” will play such a special part in their lives, especially with a well loved person like Lacresha. May “Carol Ann” give you all the unconditional love, snuggles and comfort you deserve during this time of healing.  

To learn more about Bootsie and her brother, Click here!


Happy Sunday and “gotcha day” for Stormy and the Overton’s! We had the pleasure of meeting these two very sweet people and feel that Stormy couldn’t have found the more perfect family to love him! He will share his space with two special rescue dogs as big brothers and be such a well loved and spoiled kitty in their home! 

Click here to learn more about Stormy and his sister, Click Here!


We have some exciting news we have been trying so hard to keep secret this entire past week! Chance has something to tell you, can you read his bandana?!?!?

Chance met a family at our open house who absolutely adored him! They asked to do a trial adoption for a week to make sure he got along with their other dog and that he was a good fit for their household. His adoption is now final as they fell in love with him (which with him-is so easy to do ) and he has settled in perfectly with their family! Before he left us he spent time being loved on by a few members of our team, eating “pup cakes” (from the wonderful Baked on the James), playing with his favorite toys and saying his goodbyes.

Chance, from the scared and starving boy who just happened to cross our path, weighing barely 36lbs to now over 58- you have come so far and it’s bittersweet to say farewell to you. We always knew this day would come, which is why we gave you your name-because you deserved just that-a second chance at life, love and a new family. We are so very happy that you have found just so-a warm safe haven to lay your head, a couch to share with your new dog sister and children to snuggle: a place you can now call home. 

Click here to learn more about when Chance first came to us!


Wonderful news!

Beau has been adopted!!

It has been such a journey seeing how far Beau has come-from a scared and broken hearted pup to showing us how affectionate, loyal and utterly adorable he can be!! His new family has absolutely fallen in love with him and he couldn’t have found the more perfect home to spoil him in (what he deserved from the beginning)! There were definitely HAPPY tears shed-he has come so far and we couldn’t be more excited for him in his new life and forever home.

Click here to read his story!


Dustin has some exciting news!!!

He got adopted!!

We are so excited for him and his future! He is heading to his new home later this month (because of prescheduled traveling commitments) but we couldn’t deny keeping him just little longer-so he can have the perfect home with her! His life will be filled with more love and fun than he could ever imagine! His new owner spends lots of time outdoors, loves hiking and is so beyond excited to have him tag along with her on a daily wherever she goes!

The picture below is of her at Itasca State Park. She told us the most wonderful story with tears in her eyes-they say to walk halfway across and make a wish, at that very spot, in which she did. She could have wished for anything that day, but instead she wished for the right dog to come into her life. When she came home she received a call from her daughter that she had found a dog named Dustin who was perfect for her and wanted her to come meet him. Yet, she had no idea that her daughter had even been looking for her.

She realized that wish she made at that very spot…had come true.

Click here to read his story!


Miss Delilah had a great checkup on Tuesday and went to her forever home with her new family! 


Click HERE to read his story!

Huck has some great news! He has found his forever home with a very special person, our very own Vice President Mary! He has settled in with his adorable big dog brother…who of course…what are the odds…is named Finn! Huck and Finn enjoy chasing each other and playing around the house, and fall asleep together on the bed. We are so happy he has found such a wonderful home! 


Click HERE to read her story!

Miss Luna has been adopted and found a home with a sweet family along with 2 other kitties! So excited for her new life and for her to be spoiled like she deserves!

Peter Rabbit

Click HERE to see his story!

Peter Rabbit has been adopted! His wonderful family had been thinking about a rabbit for a while and when they met him at our vendor fair, he hopped right over to greet them and they knew right away that it was meant to be! He went home with them yesterday to all of his treats, wide array of chew toys, play pen and soon to be two story indoor rabbit condo. Peter Rabbit will be a very spoiled bunny and he deserves every bit of it! 

Mollie and Roo

Click HERE to see their story!

Remember the extremely overweight and unhealthy mini’s loose on 15+ acres completely scared of leads, halters, the vet, farrier, etc.?

We’ve been working hard the past several months to have them lose weight and become healthy again! They have been doing wonderfully and have gained the confidence to trust halters and humans to get them the care they needed! They have learned to absolutely love human connection and want to be brushed and doted on all the time. They have learned to love and ask for affection and give so much love back in return.

Gabrielle came to visit the farm looking for a companion for one of her animals and fell in love as soon as she met them. She officially adopted the bonded pair Mollie and Roo and is over the moon to be able to provide them with their forever home and to ensure they will always get the care they need. We are so happy that they have found each other and are excited for their new future together!


Click here to her story! 

This wonderful girl got adopted on Sunday!!

She was an amazing mom to her only baby and her four foster kittens, she adored being a mom and took them all in as her own without a second thought.

Now it is her turn to be taken care of, spoiled and doted on like all that she gave those babies. Her new brother and her even have their very own cat bedroom and large bed devoted only to them when they wish to escape for a long comfy nap! We are so happy for her to have a life she deserves! (We’ve even heard rumor that she has especially captured the heart of her new cat dad.)


Click here to see their story! 

Mufasa went to his new home on October 8th!

He immediately started exploring when he arrived, playing, purring and cuddling right up to them as he was already starting to settle in. They sent us the cutest update last night and said that “they have never met a more affectionate and friendly cat!” 

We are so happy to hear that Mufasa is letting his adorable personality shine and we are so excited for his new family! 

Pikachu and Lucky

Click here to see their story! 

Pikachu and Lucky have been adopted together!  They went to a wonderful home and have started settling in already. We know they will be very loved and are so excited for them as they enjoy life…side by side! 


September 17th was a long time coming for a special boy formally named "Seven" who now gets a new name and a new life.

He was unfortunately a product of many failures in a messed up system that doesn't rally for animals like it should. A system that always puts humans first and in a never-ending loophole...leaving animals left without representation, often becoming victims of this system. This sweet boy had been running at large for over a year plus and returned to his owners 20+ times by neighbors and animal control. Due to current laws and loopholes it was taken to court multiple times and somehow he was always allowed back to the same unsafe space. We were all so frustrated that there was nothing there to protect him, despite our many worried phone calls. We all knew him personally, such a sweet boy who adored human affection and showed up on your front porch step in the middle of the night, yet this boy was failed relentlessly. Neighbors in our community often worried about whether he would be hit by a car or end up dead from a unknowing person who didn't want him running on their property. We were at our whit's end, but we would not give up. The system returned him back to his owner time and time again. When would the system actually work in his favor?

Just like an unaltered dog- his hormones caused him to roam and he ended up getting in trouble with some chickens. Yet another chance was given time and time again and we all knew it was a matter of time before it would happen again. Three days later, not knowing any better, he ended up at the same chicken coop. Only this time it would cost him his life.

Knowing that no one would rally for him (how would they? no one even knew who he was!), we showed up to his court cases to speak on his behalf. We knew a time stamp would be put over his head if placement couldn't be found oin a non bordering state to VA. No one even knew he was there. How many times do animals like this get lost in the same system with no advocate and euthanasia being the only outcome left?

Yet humans eat chicken on a daily basis that aren't killed kindly.

No second thought when a can of chicken and rice dog food is cracked open to feed our animals.

Yet a animal acting on his own prey drive, spurred by irresponsible humans who allowed him to run at large- would be made to suffer for their reckless actions.

Almost 4 months this case was held up in court. The judge agreed to give us time if we could find placement. Could we find him one before his time was considered up? Many phone calls placed with no return calls. We were beginning to lose faith that we could actually save this boy. Every animal rescue was full and our hearts were lost. No matter how many times we shared his case, phone calls we made or emails we wrote, no one could help.

Yet, with the help of a wonderful animal advocate who never ceases to amaze me, Chili Childress relentlessly tried to save this baby from a fate that he didn't deserve. She tried day after day to help us and spent long hours networking among all of her animal advocate friends. We exhausted every avenue. Time dragged on and yet it was so painful to know that no matter what we tried, it still may not be enough to save him. We were begging as everything we did was a dead end until one day it wasn't. We honestly wouldn't have been able to do this without you, thank you for all the time you spent for a animal you didn't even know. Yet this is not new to you, because day after day you advocate for animals that you've never met because that's who you are. Such a selfless kind spirit, you literally renew our faith in humanity every single day.

An amazing facility in PA, Speranza Animal Rescue, jumped in without a second thought to pull him. There were so many kind hearts who stepped in to advocate for this boy, this truly wouldn't have happened without this amazing community of people!

Thank you to every beautiful soul: Janson Ardinger and Melissa Rodgers Smith, who had such an important role in transferring him to safety. As we drove him to meet the second leg of the trip we could not hold back the tears, such HAPPY tears knowing what his future ahead held for him. Every single person who transported him fell in love with him instantly and he with them!

Thank you to Janine Guido for helping us give this boy a new opportunity at life, without your undying love for these animals, many would be lost. You do such amazing work and these babies are so lucky to have you in their lives!

Welcome to your new world Stefan, it’s finally your chance to LIVE


Click here to their story! 

This picture has to be the most REAL and absolutely the MOST PRECIOUS family adoption picture we have ever seen! Because… well…this is real life! Too cute not to share! 

Buzz was adopted last week to a beautiful family with two amazing girls who adore their new kitty! Every night Buzz seeks out one of his favorite little girls to snuggle up to. They reported that Buzz was exactly how he was described and very loved already! He has settled in wonderfully over the past week and we are so happy that he has found his perfect match. Truly adorable! 


Click here to see their story! 

After 5 months of waiting for his forever home, Pua got adopted! We are so happy for Pua and his new family. Now he has a place to call home for the Holidays! 💓

Bumble and Bee

Bumble & Bee have moved on to “greener pastures” or at least “leafier” ones for now until the spring grass comes up! Congrats on your adoption Kennedy and Chris…and Welcome Home Bumble & Bee! 


Click here to see his story!

We are so excited for Lucas and his new wonderful family! He lives right across the street from a beautiful park that has lots of trails that his new mom and dad love to explore daily. They say he is great on a leash, sleeps wonderfully through the night and is already clearly in love with his new couch! 

Kit and Kat

Congratulations to the Kerrigan family on their adoption of Kit & Kat! 


We are thrilled to announce Daisy has officially been adopted by our weekly volunteers Debi & Nancy! They were overjoyed for the day to finally come to be able to bring her home to meet her new cat brother Robin.

We know Daisy will be so spoiled and are happy that she found such a wonderful home where she is already loved!


Click HERE  to read his story

Adorable Noble has found his forever home! He has joined a beautiful pasture with three other minis, so he will always have someone to play with!

His new family has fallen in love with him already!


Click HERE to see her story!


Miss Hallee has officially been adopted by FHAH’s Executive Director!


So excited for Carmella as she travels to her new home and family! We know she will enjoy lots of snuggling from her new girls! 

Jill and Alice

Congratulations to Cary and her family on the adoption of Alice and Jill! 

Mirabelle, Maybelle, Mickey, Minnie and Maya 🩷

The crew got adopted! All 5!! 



Mirabelle, Maybelle and Maya


Click HERE to see his story!

Henry (previously Naveen) has been adopted by this wonderful loving family! He joins 3 other adorable kitties and an awesome kid to play with-so he will never be lonely! His new mom said he made himself right at home on the first night and jumped into bed where he slept all night long. 

Clearly Henry has claimed his home already!  


Click HERE to see Bruno's story!

We have been bursting at the seams with excitement as Bruno found the best home!

He joined an amazing family who are animal advocates and adore them as much as we do! His new mom is an amazing baker who loves making treats and spoiling her pups.

He truly has found a wonderful home!

(Pictured below are his big brother Creasy and sister Janko)


Click HERE to see her story!

Stitch has officially found a loving home with her amazing adopter Kate!  Her new home includes a 1 1/2 year old orange cat named Charlie who loves to play, sneak and hide as much as she does.

We are excited for their new adventures together!