April 24th

Update on Noble-

Noble has been doing well since the heartbreak of losing his bonded best friend before his arrival here.

He’s enjoyed being introduced to several other donkeys on the farm and we decided placing him with Hatter would be the best. Hatter is similar in size (just a little bigger) and has to be separated to eat special soaked hay due to many allergies, including dust and pollens that can make breathing more difficult.

Noble thrives in the company of other donkeys and stays by Hatters side, making the transition from losing his friend a little easier until he eventually finds his forever home (with other donkeys as a must!). Having another donkey friend has encouraged him to continue to eat and drink regularly, which is what his original owners worried about after the initial loss of his best donkey friend.

Noble has even begun kicking up his feet and playing, knocking around treat filled balls in their field.